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Insurance Agent

Reynaldo M. Tefel

Products we offer:

About us Insurance Professionals USA

Our company provides each customer with a wide range of insurance products and support to satisfy your company and employee needs; from a Premium Group Health package to a low-cost qualified ACA compliant options.

We tailor a cost-effective package to enhance employee benefits, as well as affordable health insurance for individuals.

With over 30 years of experience, we pride ourselves in putting our clients first, offering the highest quality service and personal attention. We distinguish ourselves by our training, old-fashioned values, professionalism, and associating with the most recognized and respected names in the industry. Our unique relationships with these companies, combining knowledge and care, will help us achieve your goals.

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Individual Health Care

Individual health insurance is coverage that you purchase on your own, on an individual or family basis, as opposed to obtaining through an employer or from a government-run program like MedicareMedicaid, or CHIP.

While most prefer to have their employer provide group health insurance coverage, it is not always an option. You may need to seek individual coverage for you and your family. You may be pleasantly surprised with the variety and affordability of the individual and family health insurance options available with the help of the Affordable Care Act.


Even though the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was designed to help you find health insurance coverage, there are many complexities involved in the process. Count on the representatives at Insurance Professionals USA to guide you through the marketplace so that you secure the proper coverage for yourself and your family.

International Health Insurance

An International health insurance plan for expats and those moving abroad is much broader cover than standard holiday or business travel insurance. It is designed to provide access to local health care services, emergency cover, maternity care, treatment of ongoing conditions and repatriation if needed.

Dental / Vision

Dental insurance provides a range of coverage for various dental procedures including preventive care and more involved services like fillings, crowns, and root canals. Like other types of insurance, dental insurance requires you to pay a monthly insurance premium, and you also may pay an annual or lifetime deductible in addition to copayments when you visit a dentist for care.

Vision insurance is a wellness plan designed to offset the costs of routine checkups (eye exams) and prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses.

Travel Insurance

If you suffer a serious illness or injury and need medical attention while outside of the United States, you may ultimately be responsible to pay for those services out of pocket. Travel Insurance can cover you against that loss. With the right plan, you can travel with peace of mind and enjoy your holiday.

Short / Long Term Disability

Most likely you protect your home, car and family from the unexpected with the appropriate insurance plans. What about your income? You work hard to build a life for yourself, would you not want to protect that?  If you were suddenly unable to work due to an injury or illness, could you maintain your current standard of living? Could you still provide for your family? How long could you continue to pay your rent, mortgage, and other expenses?

Short term and long term disability insurance can protect your financial well-being by replacing lost wages if an illness or injury prevents you from working. While some employers may offer disability insurance plans, many do not. If your employer does not offer this coverage, or if you are self-employed, protect yourself with personal disability insurance. Contact us at Insurance Professionals USA to learn how you can protect your paycheck.

Life Insurance

For Life’s Most Difficult Moments.

Life insurance protects the financial well-being of your loved ones. When an insured passes away, the dependents receive a tax-advantaged lump sum of money that could be used towards daily living expenses such as rent, mortgage, college tuition, etc. It’s an easy and affordable way to provide for your family even after you are gone.



Term life insurance or term assurance is life insurance that provides coverage at a fixed rate of payments for a limited period of time. Term insurance is the least expensive way to purchase a substantial death benefit on a coverage amount per premium dollar basis over a specific period of time.



​Whole life insurance, or whole of life assurance (in the Commonwealth of Nations), sometimes called “straight life” or “ordinary life,” is a life insurance policy which is guaranteed to remain in force for the insured’s entire lifetime, provided required premiums are paid, or to the maturity date.



Universal life insurance is a type of flexible permanent life insurance offering the low-cost protection of term life insurance as well as a savings element of a whole life policy. With a UL, policyholders can adjust their premiums and death benefits.

The collected premiums in excess of the cost of UL insurance accumulates within the cash value portion of the policy. Over time the cost of insurance will increase as the insured ages. However, if sufficient, the accumulated cash value will cover the increases in the cost of insurance.



​​A buy–sell agreement, also known as a buyout agreement, is a legally binding agreement between co-owners of a business that governs the situation if a co-owner dies or is otherwise forced to leave the business, or chooses to leave the business. It may be thought of as a sort of premarital agreement between business partners/shareholders or is sometimes called a “business will”. An insured buy–sell agreement (triggered buyout is funded with life insurance on the participating owners’ lives) is often recommended by business-succession specialists and financial planners to ensure that the buy–sell arrangement is well-funded and to guarantee that there will be money when the buy–sell event is triggered.



Wouldn’t it be nice if you could pass on your entire estate to your children free of taxation? Keep that business or rental property for future generations? While this scenario is highly unlikely, there are some decisions you can choose to make now to avoid having your family liquidate those assets to pay estate taxes. Our representatives will help you develop a strategy using life insurance to pass those assets to your future generations.